Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Blog!

Hello folks, friends, and fellow pilgrims in this world!

At the suggestion of several of my friends, I've decided to restart my blogging career.  More accurately, I've decided to start a new path in blogging, for my former blog was intended as a way to meditate and share the graces which came to me and my brothers last year on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

On the other hand, this blog intends to work in the other direction.  Rather than being in a strange land experiencing things from the outside altogether different and encountering Jesus in his own context, this blog will follow what is primarily an internal journey, where what is familiar to me has become strange again thanks to the grace of Holy Orders.  Instead of going to meet Christ in his historical context, I'll explore how he is meeting me in my own.

To this end, I intend to post homilies I've given as well as the occasional musings on my own spiritual and pastoral life, and occasional commentary on what is going on in the world.

I do not know what the final product will be or where God will take this endeavor.  Perhaps it will be for my own reflection and edification.  Perhaps someone will be able to grow from my own self-gift to God's Church in this way.

Two notes about the blog
1) I chose to jump the gun slightly and use the URL beginning fatherguthrie, not because of pride, but because at this point, it's pretty much certain that I will be ordained on June 3rd.  It's easier to stick with one address.
2) I try to title things well, which is difficult given that I don't know what the ultimate purpose of this blog will be. At least for now, I've titled it "Quid retribuam Domino?", meaning "What shall I return to the Lord?", borrowed from Psalm 116.

What shall I return to the Lord for all he has given me?  Indeed, I have received much grace, and as my time in the seminary comes to a close, I've been reflecting more and more on the strange mystery these last 8 years and more have been.  All is gift, even that which I didn't understand at the time.  To see how much I've grown and changed, and how God has answered my prayers - it's all very humbling and amazing.  Ultimately, there is only one thing I can return to him.  "I shall take into my hand the saving chalice, and invoke the name of the Lord."

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